All I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned at Home (Lessons by Andy & Ruby Hancock)
Love One Another: And keep your words sweet; you may be obliged to eat them.
Keep the commandments: All of them; this was often used, and in many different situations.
Follow the Prophet: Again, used in different situations to help guide us.
Respect Church Leaders.
Choose the Right: A favorite, used to call upon our consciences.
Thank the Lord: Acknowledge the Lords hand in all things.
Serve the Lord: Then dad would add, “While you’re young”.
Obedience is Better than Sacrifice: Often used when we failed to follow commandments with exactness.
Read the Scriptures: The common Sunday School answers were always primary teachings at home.
Cover Yourself Up: Dad was never comfortable uncovered or seeing anyone else uncovered especially when modesty was in question. He never liked to see short sleeves, skirts or pants.
Say Your Prayers: Pray always and keep a prayer in your heart; again we were taught the basics at home.
Sing: A song can also be a prayer and lift our spirits and give joy to others.
Help Your Mother: And anyone else who may need your help.
Hold to the Rod: Be true and follow what you learned when you were reading the scriptures.
Listen to Your Bishop: He is entitled to inspiration and you will be blessed as you heed his counsel.
Count Your Many Blessings: See what the Lord hath done.
Do Your Duty: When called to serve, serve faithfully. Go about doing good.
Magnify Your Callings: Again, do not wait to be told what to do. It is an unwise and slothful servant who needs to be commanded in all things.
Learn All You Can: Which means everywhere, not just in school.
Don’t Wait to be Told. Be prepared and in action before being called on or asked to act.
Remember Who You Are. You are a child of God with a noble heritage.
Take Your Hat Off. Be respectful and courteous. Men, tip or remove your hat as becomes a gentleman. A hat is to protect you from the sun; Don't wear it inside.
Pay Your Tithing. And obey all the commandments to receive the Lords promised blessings.
Dance with Every Girl There. A gentleman will try to help everyone have an enjoyable experience.
Do All The Good You Can: Anywhere and everywhere.
Line it Up: From fence posts to posture, everything is better when it is straight, square, plumb, level, in line, and in order.
Stand Up Straight: Shoulders back, head up, stand up tall, and look the world in the eye.